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Error Trace Back


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Hi all,

I am facing a problem with houdini , in windows there is a console window where we can see all the prints .In linux there is no console window any way so i am trying to load houdini with

terminal , but as soon as houdini opened , terminal will not receive any traceback . Any idea how i can get all the error and prints from houdini to terminal oru something else ?


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I'm not sure to understand why you're not able to see logs and errors on the terminal... That should works by default...

If you're looking for the prints from your python code that should also appear on a python shell...

Hope that help

Edited by Div
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I am not sure whats happening , I am using this command in terminal to start houdini

source /opt/hfs****/houdini_setup


but once houdini started then terminal will not output anything ..

Say for example I am creating some new python operator type and I want to see the prints where I can see that ? I am not using python shell to write the operator type any way right ?


I'm not sure to understand why you're not able to see logs and errors on the terminal... That should works by default...

If you're looking for the prints from your python code that should also appear on a python shell...

Hope that help

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Houdini should always uses stdout to output Python messages. When you have an instance of a Python Shell pane tab open and active, stdout gets redirected to that tab. If you close the tab or move to another tab in that group and it is hidden then Houdini will go back to the system stdout, in the case of Houdini launched from a terminal that means the console. If you aren't getting that then it's a problem. Can you see your print output with a Python Shell tab open?

You can see what Python is pointing to by looking at sys.stdout.

When you have a Python shell open and active and print sys.stdout you should get the following in the Python Shell.

<hou.ShellIO; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'HOM_ShellIO *' at 0x25a5a00> >

If there is no Python Shell open printing should give you this in the console.

<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x7f25c95c7150>

To see what you are redirecting to without a shell open you can create a shelf tool and set it to run the following code:

import sys

It should say what I've got above, if it doesn't there there's a problem. Though if it does and you still aren't getting output then I guess there's another problem too.

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Hi Graham,

import sys

This is working perfect its giving me a dialogbox still no message to terminal or python shell and I have a python shell tab opened always.

*****@****-laptop:~/Desktop$ ./houdini.sh
The Houdini 11.0.547 environment has been initialized.

You can see that terminal output its just out from houdini anyway . But node showinf error and I middle click there I can see and its not really help me some time

because if its playing with some amount of points they its not working too :(

I am not sure what happening and if use

import sys
# This code is called when instances of this SOP cook.
geo = hou.pwd().geometry()

# Add code to modify the contents of geo.

nothing brings to anywhere :(

Houdini should always uses stdout to output Python messages. When you have an instance of a Python Shell pane tab open and active, stdout gets redirected to that tab. If you close the tab or move to another tab in that group and it is hidden then Houdini will go back to the system stdout, in the case of Houdini launched from a terminal that means the console. If you aren't getting that then it's a problem. Can you see your print output with a Python Shell tab open?

You can see what Python is pointing to by looking at sys.stdout.

When you have a Python shell open and active and print sys.stdout you should get the following in the Python Shell.

<hou.ShellIO; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'HOM_ShellIO *' at 0x25a5a00> >

If there is no Python Shell open printing should give you this in the console.

<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x7f25c95c7150>

To see what you are redirecting to without a shell open you can create a shelf tool and set it to run the following code:

import sys

It should say what I've got above, if it doesn't there there's a problem. Though if it does and you still aren't getting output then I guess there's another problem too.

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