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Particle fluid traveling down pipe....


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Hey guys,

I have what seems to be a fairly simple thing to do, but somehow can't quite execute it. I need to have a particle fluid traveling down the inside of a pipe, but I need control over it and where it swirls. My fluid has to be a viscous gel like substance, so the speed can't be really fast like water. I have the consistency right, but my question is how do I control where my fluid will go? Thanks


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Considering that it is slow and a gel (so fairly high viscosity). Use animated magnet forces to push and pull, or edge forces to push along a curve.

Make sure your pipe is built out of a volume rather than a shell. Flip solver might work better as you don't need to high detail in splashes or similar edge detail.

Viscosity in houdini is nothing more than blurring the velocity (field) of a group of particles. So you can build that in yourself in the flip solver behaviour if it isn't already there. (get average velocity through a pointcloud lookup or through the temporary field that is generated by the flip).

Where it swirls?? In a gel? Depending on the scale you could consider doing a volume fluid and advecting your particles. Swirl it with vorticles or by increasing the vorticity confinement.

Still... I think copying a bunch of metaballs onto points and using that as forces can get you pretty far. I made some sweet sopsolver "mashed potatoes in a blender" simulation with that. You can control the axial rotation by adding normals and up vector to the template point to control their orientation.

And then there is always curlnoise in a vopsop you can add... not everywhere to every particle, but in localised areas (controlled by attribute transfers), say.. where the pipe turns.

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Hey Peter

Thanks for responding to my question...I'll have to give those things a try.

I also had one more question: I've created a wine glass and want to fill it with particle fluid, then I want to shatter it with the "make breakable" node and have the fluid pour out when this happens. I tried to set this up but when my collision object goes to break the wine glass with the fluid in it, houdini bugs out on me (crashes or the fluid dissapears w/some of the glass pieces). Is this type of simulation possible? Thanks again


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