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Displacement marching?

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Is it possible to have a kind of displacement marching?

I had an attempt at "displacement hair". See the image below or this link:

There are various problems with it such as intersections and stretched mircopolygons. Would it be possible to displace in little steps, each time changing the displacement vector so that curved displacements could be made?

The other day I happened to meet a clever TD at Siggraph and I was told that it is possible by shrinkwrapping. Now, I'm not sure I formulated my question correctly so this may refer to displacement animation, marching over the course of several frames rather than in one frame. Or it may be a renderman-only thing.

I'm looking for something similar to ray marching in volumes, but for displacement. I have a feeling that would only be possible in the renderer itself, not on the shader level.

Any thoughts on this?


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I think you can do multiple displacement passes just by doing several displacement vops in a row. Then slightly altering direction normals and the amount of displacement on each pass based on some field. Shrinkwraping could mean that you first displace your hair straight up along surface normal and then in second displacement pass you bend that hair towards the surface. Not sure where to get normal directions for that pass though.

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Have a look at this thread, it might help you:


And the stupid renderman trick from 2003 in regards to the shrinkwrapping:


And a shader that does nonlinear displacement mapping (1999):



Edited by pclaes
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