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Basics of a simple Houdini pipeline / production environment.


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I have been playing around with setting up a simple production environment for Houdini. I have been working in various environments myself (school, companies etc.) but never had time to explore the scripts, settings and the actual environment required for a healthy Houdini based pipe-line.

I have to admit, a question like that has a very broad range of answers. :)

But I would like to ask for your ideas anyway. I am familiar with the initial scripts run when you fire-up Houdini, also things like customizing the "Right Mouse Button" etc. There is already a nice wiki about it as many of you might already know: CustomizingHoudini

So what are your critical tips for an efficient pipe-line / environment, things like $PROJECT $SHOT $SCRIPTS, things included in the 123, 456 and any start up script etc?

Thanks and Happy New Year!, Merry Christmas!

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