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Foam/Spray Example file?


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Hello everyone,

I'm not able to get the vopsop_foamparts.hip example file to open correctly on my machine. I'm running Houdini 11.0.581 on Mac OS HOT is working fine on my machine, but when I try to open the vopsop_foamparts.hip example I get a bunch of errors and I can't run a simulation. Here are the errors I'm getting when trying to open the file:

Warning: Skipping unrecognized parametere "atten_0".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "atten_1".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "atten_2".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "folder2".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "areashape".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "areasamples".

Not enough elements found for parameter "/obj/distantlight 1 Area Size."

Skipping unrecognized parametere "areausemap".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "folder5_1".

Skipping unrecognized parametere "alowmotionblur".

Has anybody got the vopsop_foamparts.hip to work with Houdini 11? If so, could you post it? Or if you have a different file with working foam and/or spray that would be a big help.



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Have you tried installing the right version of compiled HOT for your version of Houdini? I have noticed that they must coincide precisely for it all to work.

Hey Macha,

Thanks for your quick response. Yeah, I compiled HOT myself from source code for my build of Houdini, so it should be okay. I'm wondering if perhaps the example file was creating using a different build of Houdini and that could be what's causing the issue.


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Are you sure that you've correctly installed the VEX extension ? Double check the installation documentation, particularly the bit about VEXdso files. That error is not the cause of the problem, it's just related to changes in houdini ops.


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Are you sure that you've correctly installed the VEX extension ? Double check the installation documentation, particularly the bit about VEXdso files. That error is not the cause of the problem, it's just related to changes in houdini ops.


Hey Drew,

Thanks for your post. After I compiled HOT from the source code for H11.0.581, I had to manually copy the files from the binary distribution I created into the appropriate folders on my machine (more on why I had to do this below.) However, I didn't copy over the "VEXdso" file from the binary distribution I had created, because a VEXdso file already resided on my machine and it had a lot more information in it than the one that was generated by compiling the source code. Even though I didn't copy over the VEXdso file, HOT appeared to be working, but it seems that this has created an issue now.

When I compiled HOT I was running Mac 10.6.4 (I'm now on 10.6.5) and the instructions posted here http://anusf.anu.edu...ini/ocean/docs/ about how to install the binary distribution weren't working with Mac 10.6.4 and Houdini 11.0.581. I also tried the instructions on Houdini's site (see link below) about modifying the DSO path, but that didn't work for me either.

Can you tell me how I should modify the VEXdso file that already exists on my computer to include the information in the VEXdso that is created by HOT? I've attached the VEXdso file from my computer (not the one created by HOT) to this email. I've pasted the contents of my VEXdso file below.

Thanks for your help! Great job on HOT!


#ifndef __HFS_VEXdso__

#define __HFS_VEXdso__


// VEXdso


// This file contains the definitions for VEX plug-in functions.


// There are currently no dynamic loaded VEX instructions.


// Please see $HH/vex/dso/VEX_VexOp.html for more details.



// Since Windows dynamic objects have a different file extension than

// most unix platforms, we define a macro which makes the correct

// filename. We also simplify the path construction a little.


#if $HOUDINI_OS == "Windows"

#define DSO_FILE(filename) vex/filename.dll


#define DSO_FILE(filename) vex/filename.so


// Define VEX plug-ins here

// demobox DSO_FILE(VEX_Ops.so)

// Make sure to undefine the macro before doing any further includes

#undef DSO_FILE


// When copying this file to other locations in the HOUDINI_PATH,

// please uncomment the following line (or change it) so that any

// other VEXdso files get processed.


// #include "$HFS/houdini/vex/VEXdso"


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Hey Drew,

I should probably mention first that I'm on mac os 10.6.5 right now and I was on 10.6.4 when I compiled HOT. To make a long story short, at first I couldn't get SOP_Star.C to compile, but I eventually figured out that I had to chmod - R 777 my Houdini.framework folder to get read/write access to that folder and its sub-folders. Once I did that I was able to compile SOP_Star.C.

So, from there I compiled HOT from the source code for Houdini 11.0.581. After compiling HOT, I was not able to get HOT running. I also created a folder and put the binary distribution of HOT I had compiled into it and using "export HOUDINI_DSO_PATH=" from the Houdini terminal, told Houdini to look in the folder I had created for the binary distribution of HOT. I think that this didn't work at the time (it was a few weeks ago.) As a test just now, I exported the dso path again to that folder and ran an "hconfig -ap" from the Houdini terminal. The results are posted below. After that, I tried opening houdini again and opening the vopsop_foamparts.hip. Unfortunately, it still didn't open even though it looks as though the dso path is correct.

HOUDINI_DSO_PATH := "/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

The search path for loading custom plug-ins (Dynamic Shared

Objects or Dynamic Link Libraries).

Default path: '@/dso_^;@/dso'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with macos

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

Also, just now I went into the Houdini terminal and did an "export HOUDINI_PATH=" to where I put the binary distribution of HOT. Then I ran an "hconfig -ap" the results of which are:

HOUDINI_PATH := "/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

I then reopened Houdini and tried to open the example file again, but I got the same errors as before.

Using the approach of exporting the houdini path wasn't working for me when I was originally tried to install HOT (I was unable to create an ocean sop after diving into a grid.) This is what eventually led me to manually copy over the files from the binary distribution. It seemed (and still does) that exporting paths wasn't working for me. Copying the files manually was a suggestion from another user, so I think a few people may be having this issue (at least on mac os 10.6.4 and 10.6.5)

I don't have any programming experience and I rarely use the terminal window, so user error is definitely a possibility here.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


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Don't forget the ":&" that is supposed to be at the end of HOUDINI_PATH. It is essential.


Hey Drew,

Thanks for your reply. On your website it is written as ";&" instead of ":&" The reason that I did not included the ";&" is because on Mac OS X, I would get the following error when using it from the houdini terminal

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ export HOUDINI_PATH=/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9;&

-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&'

As you recommended, I just tried using ":&" at the end of the HOUDINI_PATH and then tried opening up Houdini and opening the vopsop_foamparts.hip file, but unfortunately I got the same errors as before. Here's the results of running an "hconfig -ap" after putting the ":&" at the end of the HOUDINI_PATH.

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ export HOUDINI_PATH=/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9:&

[1] 2863

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ hconfig - ap

Usage: hconfig [options]

This program will print out all the environment

variables that Houdini checks for configuration.

With no arguments, the current environment

will be printed out.


-h Prints this usage information.

-o Prevent check for old environment variables.

-a List all variables whether they are set or not.

-H [var_name] [var_name...] List help for specified variables

If no variables are named, a complete list

will be printed.

-p List the non-default search path variables.

To print out all paths, use the -a option

with the -p option.

-b List build machine information


example % hconfig -ap

Show all path variables and their expansions

example % hconfig -a

Show all variables and their values

example % hconfig

Show variables overriding the default behaviour

example % hconfig -p

Show path variables overridden

example % hconfig -H SHELL

Show help for the SHELL variable

example % hconfig -H

Show help for all variables

[1]+ Done export HOUDINI_PATH=/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9:

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$

Thanks for all your help.


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Hey Drew,

Glad to hear that you develop on OSX! That's a relief! I just reinstalled Houdini 11.0.581 and followed the documentation to install the binary distribution of HOT (that I compiled.) Unfortunately, it appears that this didn't work. When I dive into a grid, I am no longer able to apply an ocean sop. Below is what I did to install the binary distribution and the results of an hconfig -ap that I ran after it. Thanks again for your help.

The Houdini 11.0.581 environment has been initialized.

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ export HOUDINI_PATH="/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9;&"

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ hconfig -ap

Special characters in path definition are:

@ - Typically expands to the HOUDINI_PATH. Thus, if the

HOUDINI_PATH was set to:




a path defined as "@/vex" would expand to the paths




= - This expands to the $HIP variable. This path will always

point to where the currently loaded hip resides.

& - The ampersand character expands to the "default" path.

For example, to add a directory to the a path without

worrying about what the default path should actually be,

simply set the path to: "/mypath;&". This will search

the "/mypath" path first, then search the default path.

^ - Some paths are used for multiple directories. For

example, the HOUDINI_VEX_PATH is used to define the

search path for Surface, Displacement, Sop, etc. VEX

shaders. For VEX, the ^ symbol expands to the shader

type. Thus, if the HOUDINI_VEX_PATH variable is set to

something like "/usr/local/vex;$HOME/vex/^", when

loading Surface shaders, the following directories will

be scanned:



and if Sop shaders are being searched for, the

following paths will be searched:



Common paths are set to:

$JOB = <not defined>

$HIP = /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources

$HOME = /Users/michaelmcneff

$HSITE = <not defined>

$HFS = /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources

HOUDINI_PATH := "/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9;&"

The path of directories where Houdini looks for configuration


Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

2) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0"

3) "/Users/Shared/houdini/11.0"

4) "$HIP/houdini"


The search path for loading custom audio format plugins for

reading and writing audio or channel files (.so, .dll).

Default path: '@/audio'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_DSO_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/dso/audio"

HOUDINI_CLIP_PATH := ".;@/clips;@/clip"

The path of directories where Houdini looks for .clip and .bclip

channel files

Default path: '.;@/clips;@/clip'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."


The path of directories where Houdini looks for custom panel


Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with custom

Directories searched (in order) are:


The path of directories where Houdini looks for desktops

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with desktop

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/desktop"

HOUDINI_DSO_PATH := "@/dso_^;@/dso"

The search path for loading custom plug-ins (Dynamic Shared

Objects or Dynamic Link Libraries).

Default path: '@/dso_^;@/dso'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with macos

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9/dso"

2) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0/dso"

3) "$HIP/houdini/dso"


Specifies the search path to the directory that contains the gallery files.

If this variable is not set, Houdini looks in the 'gallery' subdirectories

of the standard search path, which includes $HFS/houdini/gallery/, for

example. Gallery files specify the predefined parameter values for any node

type, much like the presetsd. However, they are used predominantly for

defining shaders and materials.

Default path: '@/gallery'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/gallery"


The search path for geometry files.

Default path: '.;@/geo'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/geo"

HOUDINI_GLSL_PATH := ".;@/ogl2"

The search path for GLSL code. Setting this path will override the

default path of $HOUDINI_PATH/ogl2/. Searching for the dialog

scripts is independent of GLSL searching and is controlled by the


Default path: '.;@/ogl2'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/ogl2"


The search path for loading custom image format plugins for

reading and writing images of that format (.so, .dll).

Default path: '@/fb'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_DSO_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/dso/fb"


The search path for toolbar macro files.

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with scripts/opmacros

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/scripts/opmacros"


The path of directories where Houdini looks for OPlibraries files

for loading OTL files at startup. OPlibraries files are only used

if the Operator Type Manager is configured to use them. Otherwise

OTL files are scanned for directly. This path by default is equal


Default path: '@'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_OTL_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

2) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0"

3) "/Users/Shared/houdini/11.0"

4) "$HIP/houdini"


This path specifies the directories Houdini will search for OTL files.

This value is only used if the Operator Type Manager is configured not

to use OPlibraries files to find OTL files. The default for this value

is the HOUDINI_OTL_PATH with "/otls" appended to each directory in

that path.

Default path: '@/otls'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_OTL_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9/otls"

2) "$HIP/houdini/otls"


This path is not used directly by Houdini. It is used to provide


values in a way that is backward compatible (since HOUDINI_OTL_PATH

used to mean what HOUDINI_OPLIBRARIES_PATH now means).

Default path: '@'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9"

2) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0"

3) "/Users/Shared/houdini/11.0"

4) "$HIP/houdini"


This is the path searched for Adobe Type 1 or True Type fonts used

in the font SOP, font COP

Default path: '@/fonts'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/fonts"

HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH := "@/scripts"

The path of directories where Houdini searches for scripts. This

includes .cmd files for hscript, .class files for the java command,

.tcl and .tk files for the tcl and tk commands, and command scripts

for the Alfred Output Driver.

Default path: '@/scripts'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/scripts"


The path of directories used by soho.

Default path: '@/soho'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/soho"

HOUDINI_TEXTURE_PATH := ".;@/pic;@/map;@/maps"

The search path for loading images. This includes .rat files and

other 2D formats as well as .i3d 3D texture files.

Default path: '.;@/pic;@/map;@/maps'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/pic"


The search path for factory and custom shelves and shelf tools (i.e.,

shelf files). The shelf files are searched for and loaded when Houdini

starts. They can define new tools that appear in the TAB menu or new

groupings of tools (ie, toolbars or shelves) which can be displayed in the

shelving area (usually, just below the main menu).

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with toolbar

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/toolbar"


An application search path for .ui definition files. Use care when changing

this path, otherwise the graphical Houdini applications may not start.

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_UI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with Applications

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/config/Applications"


An application search path for the audio notification files used by the

interface. Use care in changing this path, otherwise audio notifcations

may stop working.

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_UI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with Audio

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/config/Audio"


An application search path for locating the Houdini mouse cursor set. Use

care when changing this path, otherwise the mouse cursor may not reflect

its current context.

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_UI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with Cursors

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HIP/houdini/config/Cursors"


The search path for icon files. Setting this path will override the

default of $HOUDINI_PATH/config/Icons.

Default path: '@/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_UI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with Icons

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9/config/Icons"

2) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0/config/Icons"

3) "$HIP/houdini/config/Icons"

HOUDINI_UI_PATH := ".;@/config"

The base path for all user interface files. Use extreme care when changing

this variable, or graphical Houdini applications may not start. Before

adding paths to this variable, check the other HOUDINI_UI variables to see

if one or more of those paths will accomplish what you need. Adding a new

path to this variable can be expensive.

Default path: '.;@/config'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."

2) "$HOME/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9/config"

3) "$HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/11.0/config"

4) "$HIP/houdini/config"

HOUDINI_VEX_PATH := ".;@/vex/^"

The search path for VEX code. Setting this path will override the

default path of $HOUDINI_PATH/vex/. Searching for the dialog

scripts is independent of VEX searching and is controlled by the


Default path: '.;@/vex/^'

Where @ is replaced with HOUDINI_PATH

and ^ is replaced with Displacement, Fog, Light, Shadow, Surface, Photon, BSDF, Chop, Cop2, Image3d, Sop, Pop, CVex

Directories searched (in order) are:

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Displacement"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Fog"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Light"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Shadow"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Surface"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Photon"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Chop"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Cop2"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Image3d"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Sop"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/Pop"

OR --------------------------------

1) "."

2) "$HIP/houdini/vex/CVex"

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$

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Sorry, I can see from your "hconfig -ap" that the HOUDINI_PATH variable is correct.

Can you post the output of HOT build process, ie

> hython setup.py build

Also can you post the output of

> ls -lR /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9


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Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ hconfig

HFS := '/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources'

HOME := '/Users/michaelmcneff'

HOUDINI_DESKTOP_DIR := '/Users/michaelmcneff/Desktop'


SHELL := '/bin/bash'

USER := 'michaelmcneff'



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Hang on, where is the HOUDINI_PATH you've set ?


Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ hconfig

HFS := '/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources'

HOME := '/Users/michaelmcneff'

HOUDINI_DESKTOP_DIR := '/Users/michaelmcneff/Desktop'


SHELL := '/bin/bash'

USER := 'michaelmcneff'



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Hang on, where is the HOUDINI_PATH you've set ?


Hey Drew,

I think that it is there now. I just recompiled HOT from the source code and put the new binary distribution in the same location I've been using. I then exported the HOUDIN_PATH again to that location, just be sure. I just opened Houdini and tried to use HOT again, but unfortunately I still didn't have any luck. Here's the results of "hconfig" I think shows the path now.

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$ hconfig

HFS := '/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources'

HOME := '/Users/michaelmcneff'

HOUDINI_DESKTOP_DIR := '/Users/michaelmcneff/Desktop'

HOUDINI_PATH := '/Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9;&'


SHELL := '/bin/bash'

USER := 'michaelmcneff'

Workstation4:src michaelmcneff$

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Sorry, I can see from your "hconfig -ap" that the HOUDINI_PATH variable is correct.

Can you post the output of HOT build process, ie

> hython setup.py build

Also can you post the output of

> ls -lR /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9


Hey Drew,

Here's the results of running hython setup.py build (Do I need to change directories before running that command?)

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ hython setup.py build

hython: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Here's the results of running ls -lR /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$ ls -lR /Users/michaelmcneff/Library/custom_plugins/hotbin_osx_H11.0.581_1.0rc9

total 0

drwxr-xr-x 3 michaelmcneff staff 102 Jan 12 16:20 config

drwxr-xr-x 5 michaelmcneff staff 170 Jan 12 16:20 dso

drwxr-xr-x 8 michaelmcneff staff 272 Jan 12 16:20 examples

drwxr-xr-x 3 michaelmcneff staff 102 Jan 12 16:20 otls

drwxr-xr-x 3 michaelmcneff staff 102 Jan 12 16:20 vex


total 0

drwxr-xr-x 4 michaelmcneff staff 136 Jan 12 16:20 Icons


total 16

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 2100 Dec 28 12:50 SOP_Cleave.icon

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 2791 Dec 28 12:50 SOP_Ocean.png


total 6640

-rwxr-xr-x 1 michaelmcneff staff 84968 Dec 28 12:50 SOP_Cleave.dylib

-rwxr-xr-x 1 michaelmcneff staff 1693360 Dec 28 12:50 SOP_Ocean.dylib

-rwxr-xr-x 1 michaelmcneff staff 1616920 Dec 28 12:50 VEX_Ocean.dylib


total 3256

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 289708 Aug 12 02:45 sop_flotsam.hip

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 277350 Aug 12 02:45 sop_mineigval.hip

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 269082 Aug 12 02:45 sop_simple.hip

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 273036 Aug 12 02:45 vop_displace.hip

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 210697 Aug 12 02:45 vopsop_foamparts.hip

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 335939 Aug 12 02:45 vopsop_two_sources.hip


total 32

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 12466 Dec 28 12:50 HOT.otl


total 8

-rw-r--r-- 1 michaelmcneff staff 16 Dec 28 12:50 VEXdso

Workstation4:Resources michaelmcneff$


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The "hython setup.py build" is the command you ran to build the binary dist, it has to be run in the src directory of the hot source.

But it looks like everything is in place, the last thing I'm wondering is if you are running houdini from the command line after you have verified you have the HOUDINI_PATH set correctly. Mac Apps run from the Finder/Dock won't see environment variables set in a .profile/.bash_profile file or typed into a Terminal window. For things to work from a GUI launched Houdini you may be able to setup your HOUDINI_PATH in a "houdini.env" file, check the houdini docs on "houdini.env". If you are really interested slog through this


Being an old unix user I always start houdini from the command line.


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The "hython setup.py build" is the command you ran to build the binary dist, it has to be run in the src directory of the hot source.

But it looks like everything is in place, the last thing I'm wondering is if you are running houdini from the command line after you have verified you have the HOUDINI_PATH set correctly. Mac Apps run from the Finder/Dock won't see environment variables set in a .profile/.bash_profile file or typed into a Terminal window. For things to work from a GUI launched Houdini you may be able to setup your HOUDINI_PATH in a "houdini.env" file, check the houdini docs on "houdini.env". If you are really interested slog through this


Being an old unix user I always start houdini from the command line.


Hey Drew,

Can you tell me how to launch Houdini from the command line? I'll give that a go and see if it works. Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


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Hey Drew,

Can you tell me how to launch Houdini from the command line? I'll give that a go and see if it works. Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


I figured it out how to launch Houdini from the command line. Unfortunately, after launching it from the command line HOT was still not working. Thanks for your help today. I don't want to monopolize your time though. I'll see what I can do to get HOT running on my own.

Thanks again,


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