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While loops in VEX


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Yes, for sure, you will even have to. If you wouldn't be allowed to do this, a while loop would never terminate once the condition is true. The variable c in your example would have the value 5 at the end of execution.

Exactly. I guess I'm getting confused with the actual wiring of the vop. How does a simple piece of code like that wire up? The docs suggest setting your conditional on the loop to just equal one, and then do your actual if/then statements in the actual while loop.

Here's the VFL of my vop:

int c = 1

while( _condition != 0 )


// Code produced by: while1/constant1

constant = 0;

// Code produced by: while1/suboutput1

_condition = constant;


This seems like it should terminate after one loop, but it doesn't. Could you give be a better idea of how I should be approach the structue of the While Loop in vops?


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Using a constant of one wired into the condition outside the loop like the docs describe, behaves like a

do {


} while(condition inside the loop)

in C/C++. I have attached a small example hip-file It creates a new (useless) point-attribute. It should show you how to setup a while loop in VOPs. But perhaps you are happier with writing your VEX-code in a text-editor. I have found, that loops are very tedious to wire in VOPs.


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