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Fork memory error and temp folder


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Hi all!

After a rush search through the forum (and a long one through the internet, Houdini help and such) I'm nowhere near to solve this... I've been getting (sometimes) an error "cannot allocate memory... fork..." -> sorry for not posting the error message here, I'm in a different computer now...

Here's a screenshot from my shell...


I tried to move my temp folder to another path, because I have more space on a different hard drive on the machine. The thing is that I tried the setenv variable, has it comes in "Houdini on the Spot", on the texport and... the path/destination is attributed but the temp files still go to the old path...

I also tried editing the houdini.env file, but without much success...

Any hints or suggestions?

Or Workarounds? I'm currently trying to render some 10 mantra render nodes, I had them chained but have given up on that... I'm rendering through command line to save some memory... Thanks for your time!

See ya!

Edited by J.Santos
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Answering to myself... or others with a similar problem in future times...

It wasn't a temp problem like many google searches suggested... I emptied it enough times to realise that!

There were no nodes with error flags/warnings...

In the end I just bypassed some subdivisions I had inside the Geometry and used only the subdivision ate render time. It helped reducing the frequency of crashes (from an average of 25 frames and crash...) to 240 frames and then crash...

See ya!

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