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utilize CPU for geometry render node ?

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Hello, I’m trying to build a particle system affected by smoke. I have come to the stage where I need to start rendering millions of particles. I have a ‘geometry render node’ to render out the pop network as .bgeo files but when I check windows task manager its only using about 16% of the CPU power. Is there any way to utilize the rest of the CPU ?


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first build as much as possible in vex, drag, forces attractors can all rebuild in vex, even collisions can be rebuild in vex. When You stay in vex multithreading is used much better.

another thing is if You need 20 mill particles, You should split it up into 5 sims with 4 mill, that can be simulated separately and simultaneously. Also do not cache onto a networkdrive, it takes much to long, even if You use .gz

If You have some fluidsims that drive the particles, cache them and use the cache (cacheSOP) to drive them


Edited by sanostol
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