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Nasty spikes

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Any idea why this is happening ? Both images were rendered in render view using same rop, only difference was that preview box was ticked on on one without spikes. There is also completely different shading on trunk. There are no shadow maps and all shaders are mantra surface with bump map with exception of flowers that are shaded with clay (no displacement !). Version is 11.0.733. Sorry for huge images :/





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Preview renders use raytracing only which probably explains the difference. The one with the streaks most likely was rendered with micropolygon for primary samples fromt the ROP.

Try changing the Rendering Engine from Micropolygon to Raytracing in the Mantra ROP Output Driver.

Pre-dice the scene first if you want to keep it with Micropolygon rendering... Defeats any load-on-demand schemes you are using though and will cause more memory to be consumed.

Turn up verbosity in the Mantra ROP Output Driver to see if there are any nan's being generated. Might give you some hints as to what is gonig wrong.

Are you rendering geoemtry as Sub-D's?

Try changing the coving settings in the Mantra ROP. You will have to add the render property "Coving" <vm_coving) to try the three options to see if it helps.

Can you post just a small part of the geometry that is causing the issue?

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