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Button parameters?

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Is it possible to copy-paste buttons?

I have a selection of networks that do the same thing on different imputs. I made a "master null" with some parameters that control some global parameters in those networks. That works fine.

But I also would like to have some master-buttons in a similar way so that I press one button all the others get pressed. I noticed that I can rightclick a button and all the usual stuff pops up but copy-pasting seems to have no effect. What's the most straightforward, easiest way of doing this?

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in the callback script, use the opparm function, you may get yelled at for some "locked" assets but it will execute. You can just specific in your otl which node to unlock, to avoid that. The callback script has a tendency not to copy.

opparm -c path/to/node parameter;

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Depending on how many nodes have buttons you are trying to trigger, It might be best to have a callback that gathers a list of them dynamically or i suppose in the case the node remain consistant, a static list can be used. Then iterate through them pressing the buttons. I usually like python for dealing with node collections.

When all the nodes are of a known type node.recursiveGlob and node.glob tend to be useful. The recursive can take a filter but plain glob can't which leaves a type test iteration to slim down the list.

Then assuming all the nodes have similar name parm buttons you can grab a ref to the parm

myparm = mynode.parm('smoo')

and trigger the button via


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