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Getting position data from dops into a group.

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Hi all, I am trying to get the position data of my simulation in dops and group them according to a certain condition. However I don't seem to be getting what I am hoping for. Can anyone point out to me what did I do wrong?

The expression I used was,

if(dopfield("/obj/dopnet1", "rbdfracturedobject1", "Position", "Options", 0, "py")>0, 1, 0)

And my file in case.



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a few things:

no /obj/dopnet1 exists, it is /obj/geo1/dopnet1, but you better reference it just as ".."

no rbdfracturedobject1 dop object exists, it's just a name for the node, the objects are called piece1-piece99 so use $OBJNAME instead

"py" refers to pivot y value, to get position(translation) use "ty"

no if() is needed for simple comparison

so it would look like this:

dopfield("..", $OBJNAME, "Position", "Options", 0, "ty")>0

edit: since you can have more dop objects with the same name maybe $OBJID would be better than $OBJNAME

Edited by anim
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a few things:

no /obj/dopnet1 exists, it is /obj/geo1/dopnet1, but you better reference it just as ".."

no rbdfracturedobject1 dop object exists, it's just a name for the node, the objects are called piece1-piece99 so use $OBJNAME instead

"py" refers to pivot y value, to get position(translation) use "ty"

no if() is needed for simple comparison

so it would look like this:

dopfield("..", $OBJNAME, "Position", "Options", 0, "ty")>0

edit: since you can have more dop objects with the same name maybe $OBJID would be better than $OBJNAME

Thanks man, it worked perfectly.

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