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procedural modeling question


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I was wondering if anybody could help me with my little problem:

I made a curve, a circle, I sweep the circle with skin turned on and convert it to polys (I could leave it as a nurbs surface as well). Now comes my problem: at the end of the skin I want that every point of the last row to generate a circle centered in that point and than make another sweep between the created circles (something like a sausage end).

Btw how can I select the huls of a nurbs obj. and edit them (translate rotate etc)

I realy apreciate if someone could help me.

see ya


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well, thank you VERY MUCH arctor it's exactly what I was looking for. I allready knew the hull selection method that you described but for some reason the "f" key or edge loop doesn't work on the hulls and I was wondering if there is another one, simplier than picking by hand all the edges that make a loop.

Again many thanks to you and wish you to get well very soon.

see ya


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