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CG interaction with Live action sea waves

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Hi, I was wondering if I need to integrate a CG object into the backplate (which happens to be a sea) what would be the best approach for it.

Which are the possible solutions to getting good and quick interaction between sea waves and the CG objects considering they aren't really far from camera.

Here's a ref of the waves and their proximity from the camera(roughly). (Sorry for posting just images, I'm not able to upload the video for some reason..)




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How about projecting your footage on a geo that represents your sea, and then using that image inside a vopsop, and doing stuff based on luma or rgb?

Although it depends on what you want to do with your footage!?

Edited by ehsan parizi
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hey, well since I have the camera pretty upclose to the waves(and I ofcourse need to match the surface to the waves a bit), image based stuff wont crack it.

I am looking for something a bit more precise. The point count needed and the consistency of RBG/Luma based solution will be difficult to handle.

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here's a test I did with Naiad..

its work in progress but I'm also looking at other options..

I might try doing a rig or something and use it to drive Simulation??

On a sidenote:

Also,I'm looking at manipulating baked fluid simulations within houdini..for starters I tried creating vorticity data using the gas analysis (curl of velocity)..doesn't seem to be working though I have a velocity field.Just to confirm, Vorticity is a vector field? (though I checked the wiki..there has to be a reason why its not working..am I missing something?). I tried to resize the fields using a gas match field but it did not work. Finally I just did it using bounds info from the particles at sop level..

Edited by bhaveshpandey
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