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Running Houdini Help server outside of Houdini

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Following the instructions in $HH/help/central "How to configure a custom help server",

You are instructed to add these paths:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HH/scripts/pythonlibs:$HH/scripts/python

However, "$HH/scripts/python/server.py" or "$HH/scripts/python/index.py", do not exist in the Houdini installations respective folders.

Trying to substitute the "index.py" command with the one in $HH/python/python2.6libs yields the following error:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.1.72/Resources/houdini/python2.6libs/houdinihelp/__init__.py", line 20, in ensure_good_lxml

file, pathname, description = imp.find_module("lxml", scripts_dirs)

ImportError: No module named lxml

Am I missing something, or are the instructions on setting up a custom help server out of date for the latest version of Houdini?



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Following the instructions in $HH/help/central "How to configure a custom help server",

You are instructed to add these paths:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HH/scripts/pythonlibs:$HH/scripts/python

However, "$HH/scripts/python/server.py" or "$HH/scripts/python/index.py", do not exist in the Houdini installations respective folders.

Trying to substitute the "index.py" command with the one in $HH/python/python2.6libs yields the following error:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.1.72/Resources/houdini/python2.6libs/houdinihelp/__init__.py", line 20, in ensure_good_lxml

file, pathname, description = imp.find_module("lxml", scripts_dirs)

ImportError: No module named lxml

Do you have lxml installed on your system?


What happens if you also add the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile?



Edited by matsbt
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Hey Mats,

Thanks for the reply.

I added that string to the houdini_bash_setup. I'm still getting the following errors:

python $HH/scripts/python/server.py deploy.ini

python: can't open file '/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.1.72/Resources/houdini/scripts/python/server.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

It looks like the instructions for configuring the help server are telling me to set and env variable that tells houdini to look for python scripts where none exist. There is either something wrong with my install, or the help server is out of date. I tried redirecting the help server to the actual python paths that do exist under the houdini resources folders, but thats when the lxml issues come up. I imagine that if lxml were a critical part of running the help server, it would be installed already, no? I am just trying to find a way to run the houdini help server in a way that the port is the same every time - because when houdini crashes and i restart it, i already have some help cards open in my browser, and they become broken, because a new port # is used after relaunching houdini.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.



Do you have lxml installed on your system?


What happens if you also add the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile?



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Hey Mats,

Thanks for the reply.

I added that string to the houdini_bash_setup. I'm still getting the following errors:

python $HH/scripts/python/server.py deploy.ini

python: can't open file '/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.1.72/Resources/houdini/scripts/python/server.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

It looks like the instructions for configuring the help server are telling me to set and env variable that tells houdini to look for python scripts where none exist. There is either something wrong with my install, or the help server is out of date. I tried redirecting the help server to the actual python paths that do exist under the houdini resources folders, but thats when the lxml issues come up. I imagine that if lxml were a critical part of running the help server, it would be installed already, no? I am just trying to find a way to run the houdini help server in a way that the port is the same every time - because when houdini crashes and i restart it, i already have some help cards open in my browser, and they become broken, because a new port # is used after relaunching houdini.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.



First of all. Why are interested in running a central help-server on a single workstation? Second, I'm not sure if lxml is bundled with Houdini but when I had trouble launching the help from within Houdini 11 under Linux. SideFx Support suggested I should install lxml systemwide. Furthermore, why do you modify the houdini_setup-scripts? Creating a .bashrc file in your $HOME-directory gives you more flexibility when you need to install a new build.


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First of all. Why are interested in running a central help-server on a single workstation? Second, I'm not sure if lxml is bundled with Houdini but when I had trouble launching the help from within Houdini 11 under Linux. SideFx Support suggested I should install lxml systemwide. Furthermore, why do you modify the houdini_setup-scripts? Creating a .bashrc file in your $HOME-directory gives you more flexibility when you need to install a new build.


I want to run a standalone Houdini help server primarly because EVERY time houdini crashes, or has to be restarted, ALL of the help cards I have open in my browser become broken links, and also any example files I wish to load become broken links.

Every fresh invocation of Houdini launches the help server on a random port. I would like to have it be in the same place, at all times.

Any ideas?

Thanks for getting back to me.



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thanks for the suggestion.

is it possible to launch example files over the internet help? i doubt it is, but i guess worth asking.

not sure why its so complex to have the help server launch on a specific port every time ... maybe im going about this wrong.

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thanks for the suggestion.

is it possible to launch example files over the internet help? i doubt it is, but i guess worth asking.

not sure why its so complex to have the help server launch on a specific port every time ... maybe im going about this wrong.

Interesting, on my Linux machine the help server always open the same port every time. (http://localhost:48626/)

Could this be an Operating System dependent thing?


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I really have no idea if it's an O/S thing. I'm thinking there has to be a way to configure it to launch on the same port every time ... that's what it does when running a standalone server, anyway.

Do you have any recommendations of where to continue looking into this? I am using Mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.



Interesting, on my Linux machine the help server always open the same port every time. (http://localhost:48626/)

Could this be an Operating System dependent thing?


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I'm afraid that I'm unable to give you any recommendations since I don't run Houdini under Mac OS X on a regular basis and the help page that "old school" points to does not specify how to set up an external help server under OS X but you could try to use the Linux BASH shell instructions.


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