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Random vs. Non-deterministic Random

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'standard' random is a fast random generation number that could be based on some input (for eg. Point numbers or point positions).

For eg. If you set random number to be based on point numbers, no matter what position your points will have during time, generated number will be always the same.

Non deterministic is a generator of random numbers that cannot be based on anything.

Also, that random number is beeing genetated every time node is evaluated so it is impossible to recreate same result.

And like you have probably noticed, you can choose between three different types of random number generation algorythm.

Edited by tmdag
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'standard' random is a fast random generation number that could be based on some input (for eg. Point numbers or point positions).

For eg. If you set random number to be based on point numbers, no matter what position your points will have during time, generated number will be always the same.

Non deterministic is a generator of random numbers that cannot be based on anything.

Also, that random number is beeing genetated every time node is evaluated so it is impossible to recreate same result.

And like you have probably noticed, you can choose between three different types of random number generation algorythm.

Thanks for the explanation!

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