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Packaging multiple Paint nodes in an HDA??

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Not sure without you posting the OTL, but if it's editable it should be fine.

Guess you need to write some python into the node to have the node visble, edit it, then escape out to the last node?

Can you post an example in a subnet or something?

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I cant upload the asset as is due to production regulations.. will prepare a test asset and upload it (today or tomorrow)

For now the method I mentioned above works fine but I would still be interested in any other alternatives :)


EDIT: Christian I was thinking about something similar. Which would probably have the user go step by step (or even menu wise) which could even

be done using switches. The only problem being what if I need to visualise any other attribute while painting a different

attrib. Currently I'm using a bunch of colormix nodes to visualise a few attribs while still in paint mode..Its slow <_<

Edited by bhaveshpandey
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