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U coordinate wrapping


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Hi, this is my first post, and it's a question about manipulating UV coordinates in a SHOP.

My intention is to wrap a texture around the U coordinates only. The first difficulty is that, based on my research, it seems that Houdini wraps both U and V coordinates at the same time. So what I had tried to do was switch the Texture node's Wrap setting to Decal, and manipulate the S coordinates that comes from the UVcoords subnet node (I am using a simple Constant shader). My manipulation is simply (if written):

Texture.s = (UVcoord.s % 1)

The idea being that when the U point being sampled is always going to computed back to the 0-1 range by the modulo operation (my UV map is stretched >1.0 along U).

It works... to a degree. But what I'm getting are these seams where the UV begins or ends (and I can't really tell - see image 1). I've noticed that the seams can sometimes be coloured by the same values as those in the middle of the image, and as far as I can tell, it seems as though the image itself has been squeezed into that seam, giving off the colour. I can't really say for sure.

At any rate, if anyone here can give some insight on how why this method doesn't work, or any way to get UV texture mapping to wrap around one axis only, I'd appreciate it.

(I've also uploaded a screencap of my simple network)



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