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add to group in VOP


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Hello all,

Is there a way to add points to an existing group in VOPSOP? I know there's an add to group node in VOP but I couldn't make it work so far. if I want to add more points to a group...say points of grid contained in an animated sphere through time so that different points are being added to the same group each frame, how would you achieve this in VOP? Thanks all for your time!

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say points of grid contained in an animated sphere through time so that different points are being added to the same group each frame, how would you achieve this in VOP? Thanks all for your time!

SOPs don't have a notion of 'time' - they don't remember what happened the frame before.

You need POPs or DOPs or CHOPs or at least a foreachSOP/timeShiftSOP combo to get this going.

All assuming that you want to get somehing like a trail of this sphere on this grid ...

There are probably more than enough posts about this here or at sidefx, just can't find any right now.

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