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Is there a marble material in Houdini 11 like 9.5?


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I was watching 3dbuzz's td volume 1 series and in one of the parts they are using a VEX gallery marble where it has veins, etc. But the marble material I found in Houdini from the material palette doesn't have any vein control and appears pretty pale even when I change the diffuse color to bright red, etc.

Is there a material like this I can use just so that they are similar at least?

EDIT: Sorry double post, please delete one.

Edited by magneto
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Hi Ryan...

Don't have an install of 9.5, but... the H11 marble shader also doesn't seem to have any vein parameters set? - although it has been updated with the H11 surface model.

If you need to create a marble texture - you can overwrite the diffuse colour in the shader. At the VOP level within the shader, if you:

Create a veins pattern and a colourmix VOP.

Plug global position into the veins pattern

The outgoing veins amount into the bias amount on the colourmix

The outgoing blended amount from the colour mix into the diffuse colour on the surface shader.

Promote any of the attributes you want to adjust from these

Works in H11 anyway.

http://vimeo.com/14092187 - Mr PQ actually covers this.


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Also guys there is a VOP VEX Surface operator that has OGL parameters but I can't find anything similar in H11.

Basically they are also making it so that the texture shows in the viewport, but I couldn't find anything that has those so I could assign the texture used there too.


Any ideas?

Thanks :)

Edited by magneto
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