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Houdini 12 tutes and tips?

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Hey guys,

Just got the H12 Apprentice and have started playing with the new FLIP Tank and Pyro effects etc. It's immediately apparent that things have changed :) Which, I'm sure is a good thing! But, I really wanna get to grips much more deeply with Houdini this year, and I feel that the limited knowledge I had H11 from experimenting with fluids and emitters, is not entirely relevant in this version as the nodes that create each effect differ somewhat.

If anyone knows of any tutorials or training materials that are on the way or already available for H12, I'd be over the moon.

Equally, if anyone could throw me a couple of tips or things to try, I'd be eternally grateful!

Huge thanks in advance.

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Reading the 'What's New" page of the H12 docs talks about how DOPs sources have lots of their work being done in SOPs http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini12.0/news/12/dynamics, that's helped me a lot.

Also, Johner gave me some pointers as I've been digging into FLIP fluids here, and playing around after he gave me that hip file was really helpful.

The best thing I can suggest is read the docs (they have lots of little gems, and even if you're reading carefully, its easy to miss them!), play around, and when you get stuck, post a thread with some good (informed) questions, along with images/hip files, and you can usually get some help :) The times I've gotten the most helpful responses are when I have as specific as possible questions and images/hip files.

There are lots of good threads popping up here and on the SideFX forums relating to H12 things (Jeff's details about Pyro optimization are gold, both on odforce (see his post right below the linked one too), and on SideFX), so skim over the recent thread titles, and see what you can find! :)

Good luck!

Also: there's a thread on smoke density/emission going on right now in the effects forum: http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?/topic/15038-smoke-density/

Edited by goldleaf
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