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Extracting pZ pass into After Effects

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I just ran into this, and was searching here to see if others had ran into problems with this. After staring at the screen a for a bit. I realized the values that AE was showing were the actual Z values (duh!). These were obviously way past 1.0 so the whole image looks white. I found that when you extract the channel (assuming you've pushed it into an EXR and you're using the EXtractoR plugin for AE to access the channels), all you need to do is fiddle with the white point.

Here's what worked for me:

- Extract the channel: (say it's "Z")

- Move around your original image from the channel and see what some of the higher values are

- set the White Point value to this value. You may need to fiddle with this a bit more if you need to get things between 0 to 1.0.


Hope this helps someone else.

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