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Cloth&Fur Simulation

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Hi everyone,

Is it possible in DOPS to have the cloth and the fur to interact to each other? I was able to get the cloth to collide to the fur guides, but not other way around.Is there any workaround?What I want to achieve is to have a fury character that has an open simulated shirt on a top of him, and the fur under the shirt to be affected by the cloth without penetrating trough it.I thought that this is the job for Houdini but couldn't get it to work yet.Hope you can help me with that.


Edited by T.I.M.
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AFAIK originally (few versions ago) everything worked together. Then SESI made some changes to the solvers, and in the process they broke some mutual interactions.

Here is link to a very nice article and scene from the "I, Houdini" blog that will probably help you.

Wire to RBD Feedback

Also I´m not a moderator, but it´s usually not too well regarded to post both in SESI´s and odforce forums the very same question, as most of us read both forums. You should try not to double-post.

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I've tried to use the point force but didn't work well for this case.I've tried to use attribute transfer in SOPS to bend the guides but didn't work also. I've tried to create custom attribute in the fur skin that controls the fur length based on distance from the cloth, but again didn't work fine because you can see how the fur is changing it's length when the cloth is moving.(the cloth is an open Hawaiian Shirt ).I've tried to use cloth solver for the fur but couldn't get it to work. What is left I guess is to do the simulation for the cloth in Softimage Syflex without the fur on the character than bring it in Houdini as a point cache and convert it as static object in DOPS . But this one seems very slow from my initial tests.

Again The main idea here is the cloth to deform the fur and push it towards the character body, so the fur it's not penetrating trough the cloth.

I hope someone has better workaround how I can achieve this, because I really want it to do it in Houdini (the fur styling is already done in Houdini)and not using the Maya's Nhair thing or Softimage.

Please anyone?

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Hi again,

Hope this time to get more responses.

I was able to convert the baked cloth geometry to static RBD object and I've got some collusion on the the hair.But I still have a problem with penetrating hair trough the cloth.

So can someone give me a hint how to delete the hair that is penetrating to the moving cloth at render time(The length and the cut map are not a option I tried them and don't work well ).In SOP level this shouldn't be so difficult, maybe just finding points in volume in VEX and than deleting them with delete SOP, but in render time this all has to happen inside VEX and as I know we can't delete or create points inside it, also I don't have an access to Fur Procedural in VOP level.

So I hope someone can give me some idea how to achieve that.

This image shows what I want to do:


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