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Faking fur

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Hi All

I'm working on a cat character at the moment and I'm trying to find some way of getting fur on him. I've no idea where to start in terms of writing a VEX shader to accomplish this so I've decided to try the VEX wire method. However - I don't want to copy a curve to each point of the model because I don't want to increase the density of the mesh - I want to have wires copied everywhere inbetween points as well. I was hoping to control the length, density and colour through texture maps applied to the mesh.

Any ideas?? Thanks


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Sorry...i have played with point instancing before posting

and forgot to turn it off therefore render has failed.

That was an example of how to evenly distribute

particles on patches with varied size though

it is not complete fur solution.

Cause you have asked to "idea" only.

You can find here a method of attaching curves to

particles and making particles to take into consider

an object deformation.

Though, let me remind you once again it is not complete solution.


The solution for polygon object would be probably different.


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