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Collapsing Bridge


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I am currently trying to use a particle system to modify the geometry of a bridge model that I have made. The problem that I'm having is that I want the individual parts of the bridge to remain intact rather than to deform. The bridge is made up of a number of seperate components each stored in different objects, which I am then loading into a new object using an Object Merge. However, when I attach a particle system to this geometry it is acting on each individual point on the geometry rather than each seperate component as desired.

Any ideas how I could solve this?



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Since you already have them as seperate objects, create a point at the center of each bit of geometry, then object merge those. Those'll be your emitters (one point/particle per object). Then, once you've animated your particles, pull them back into each object, isolate the point that corresponds to that object, and copy the geometry onto it, so that it moves with the particle.



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