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preview SOP points like fluid particles (billboard spheres)

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DOP networks have a nice way of previewing fluid particles (by default its blue billboard-spheres). Anybody knows how I can preview my SOP points the same way? I tried importing points from a SOP into some dop network without success. I dont want to sim anything - I just want to get my SOP points previewed like fluid particles.



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Thanks for your response woodenduck. Sure I could use the copy sop but I don't want to create actual geometry for every point. I have a lot of points and having a sphere per point is unfeasible. I want to use sprites which are a bit more lightweight.

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I see,

Well you can colour the points blue with a point sop. In 12 they should show up in the viewport without having to use an add sop. Then change the point size in the particles section of the geometry tab in the display options dialogue.

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I see,

Well you can colour the points blue with a point sop. In 12 they should show up in the viewport without having to use an add sop. Then change the point size in the particles section of the geometry tab in the display options dialogue.

You suggest to change the point size in the particle section in the viewport display options. It seems these settings just affect (pop-)particles, not (sop-)points. Changing the size doesnt have any effect on the point preview in houdini.

Getting sprites to work in preview for points (not particles) seems to be difficult: http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&p=90398

I would be happy if I could color the points in houdini preview for now. You suggested to use the point sop. If I do that the previewed points still have their default blue. I must be missing something...

Thanks for your time,


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Maybe we have some different settings or I'm getting confused, but it seems to work for me.

Can you post a hip file???

Sure. I made a hip file which shows the sprite rendering I want to achieve. It uses the popnetwork sop but I want the same effect without having to use particles. I am not doing particle sims in houdini (my data comes from somewhere else) and thats why I dont want to use the popnetwork.

The hip file also shows how I use the point sop to color my points. The color doesnt change in preview. I dont know if this is possible at all.

Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.



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I think it must be the H11 scene renderer you are using, I boot up your scene and click the point sop and the points appear red immediately.

I change the particle display options and I get this -

Got it. You are right. Seems to be a new feature with h12 which the old scene renderer didn't support. Thanks for helping me to track it down.

I wanted to do some debugging using colors and this will help me to achieve that. However, if anybody knows how I can get the sprite rendering(as shown in the hipfile above) to work in preview without having to use popnets: feel free to enlight me :)



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Attached a file that uses a dopnet to add the particle vis. I put this together really fast, so it's not exactly otl-ready. Original idea came from marc picco (macha here). It's much faster than copy sop, and works well -- the dopnet has caching turned off, and timeless turned on, so it should afaik just pipe the geo in, and fetch the visualization back out, eliminating most of the dop overhead.


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Attached a file that uses a dopnet to add the particle vis. I put this together really fast, so it's not exactly otl-ready. Original idea came from marc picco (macha here). It's much faster than copy sop, and works well -- the dopnet has caching turned off, and timeless turned on, so it should afaik just pipe the geo in, and fetch the visualization back out, eliminating most of the dop overhead.


Hey Solitude,

spot on! Exactly what I was looking for. I had the feeling that dopnet is the way to go but I couldn't get it to work. Kind of surprises me that there is no simpler way...

Thanks a lot.


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