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Hello Everyone

I have some problem with rigging the wheels of the train.. I have attached the train wheel file with this post .. I have tried 3 different methods in the file to achieve the result.. But none of them seems to be working.. Can anyone help me in solving this?? Any kind of help will be highly appreciated.



Edited by digitalaayush
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Guest mantragora

There are so many things flying there that it's hard to guess with which part you have problem. You mean this arm that moves wheels ?

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Guest mantragora

It should be possible by adjusting "TO_wheel_A" null rotation speed but it looks that, if you bump up rotation speed, wheels doesn't follow the change correctly. Hmmm... I made test and parented simple geo directly to null and changed speed but still it wasn't following null rotation correctly and even at higher speed it was changing direction of rotation.

That's a mystery.

The weirdest thing in this is that rest of the geometry follows change in speed correctly. Just wheels rotate strangely. Maybe someone could look at this issue. Right now I'm out of ideas why this happens.


One thing I don't like is that you have geometry transformed both, on GEO and OBJ level. You should stick with with one if you placing your geometry. Right now you got tons of pivot changes to make geometry rotation. Many bad practices I see there.

Edited by mantragora
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It should be possible by adjusting "TO_wheel_A" null rotation speed but it looks that, if you bump up rotation speed, wheels doesn't follow the change correctly. Hmmm... I made test and parented simple geo directly to null and changed speed but still it wasn't following null rotation correctly and even at higher speed it was changing direction of rotation.

That's a mystery.

The weirdest thing in this is that rest of the geometry follows change in speed correctly. Just wheels rotate strangely. Maybe someone could look at this issue. Right now I'm out of ideas why this happens.


One thing I don't like is that you have geometry transformed both, on GEO and OBJ level. You should stick with with one if you placing your geometry. Right now you got tons of pivot changes to make geometry rotation. Many bad practices I see there.

I think I can manage that easily. Anyway thanks for your great help.

And the transformation on both GEO and OBJ level is something beyond explanation. I will keep that in mind from now on. :)

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