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Fluid Explosion


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I just watched a few episodes of the "Mythbusters" and they showed a few cool explosions in slow motion.

They normally only last a second in slow motion, with just a short burst of flames and then a lot of smoke.

I was wondering how someone would tackle a shot like that in Houdini.

I tried using single frame emissions, but that creates just a bit of smoke and not a lot...

is there a way to emit more smoke on a singe frame?

I also tried the gas repeat note, but that just scales the explosion up(at least for me...)

but that could be do to my mistakes:)

I am very curios about how to do a "realistic" explosion with which I could represent a real explosion not just in the end stages but also in the beginning.

Here is what I am talking about...

and there are some really cool explosions in there:)



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Since there is so much variation in there, I'd suggest you pick one type of explosion (even pick a time in that video) you really want to go for and try it out. After you get a start then feel free to come and ask advice, since it's a really hard thing to just say "do x". Also, you should do the volcano tutorial on sidefx to get started with pyrofx if you haven't already seen it.

I'd go for lots of varied fuel and temp on a few frames, and use the gas released parameter to control the 'expansion'. "A scale factor controlling how much gas is injected into locations where fuel is burnt. This causes burning areas to blow outwards."

You can also use custom velocity fields to help sculpt the fluid a bit and push it how you want (you can drive it with any points with velocity).

Edited by Solitude
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