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How to handle importing any type of attribute at the asset level?

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I am making a digital asset that allows users to specify the attribute name they want to use for the operation. I have a VOPSOP inside, with an Inline VOP, that uses the import VEX function:

vector v;
import($attribute, v, 0);

But since I have to specify the type of the attribute being imported, do I have to have a different version for each type?

Is there a way to query the type of an attribute? Or do I have to create a menu parameter at the asset level that requires the user to specify the type?

I don't know which SOPs do this, but I found that Smooth SOP allows you to use any attribute without specifying the type. So then there is a slick way to do this, right?

Thanks :)

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The way python and vex view attributes in Houdini is a bit different so there's no one function that will tell you which vex type your attribute is. Usually I use hou.attrib.dataType(), first to identify strings and integers, then if hou.attrib.dataType() is a float I use hou.attrib.size() to check if the float is really a vector or a matrix.

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