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why this dont work in H12 anymore?

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I made simple test scene. There is a grid, with UV and vopSop that transfer Cd values from Ramp texture in IMG.

If i open this in H11 it works fine... Animated texture update and all works well. From some reason this not working in H12 anymore.

Im not sure is it some bug or something changed and this workflow wont work in H12 for a reason...

Take a look if you have time and some idea how to solve this...


it's H12.0.683/Linux


Edited by chovasie
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Yeah that certainly looks like something is wrong with the cache evaluation. You should submit that that file as a bug report.

A temporary work around would be the following. Go to your render node onto the script tab.

On the Pre-Frame Script write texcache -c and make sure it is set to Hscript.

This will basically wipe your texture cache before the frame evaluation begins and among other things, this will force recooking of the compositing network.

If you have a lot of textures you will take a performance hit, but it will work at least.

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Thank you guys! i'll report this asap. I use this function a lot but wasnt sure is something changed in H12 so this wokrflow need to be done other way or it's a bug. Right now we know it's a bug at least.

Thanx for your time!


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Hi again!

I reported a bug few days ago, and i got replay today that is actualy working in new daily builds.

here's past of message i got from SEF:

"It seems to be working properly in 12.1.52 also. Can you please upgrade to our latest build?




I installed new daily build and im not sure why, but not working again. :/

Can someone try this on windows or something? Im not sure where the problem is, and how can work for them and not for me...

I tried in 12.1.33 and in 12.1.52 as well... same thing again..

Now im not sure did i messed up something or what, but it's not working for me even after update. And just once more, it works on H11...



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