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Particle tumbling help


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Hey Houdini Heroes!

Could someone point me in the right direction; I'm currently working thru the CG-Masters asteroid tutorial and have attempted to test my knowledge and take it a bit further.

I would like to know how to make the falling asteroids tumble as they fall (random rotation).

The asteroids are simple geometry copied onto a pre-rendered particle sim. At the moment they simply fall and look quite static, i thought it would look cool if they tumbled as they fell with randomised tumble speeds stamped onto the points.

If anyone could direct me to a handy expression (and where to put it!) that'd be a great help. I would describe myself as a competent beginner - comfortable using CHOPs (not so much DOPS), POPs and expressions / attributes.

I like the idea of using CHOPs to do it, but keep hitting a wall as to where to pipe the data.

Many thanks.



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If you're just copying asteroid shapes on points via copy sop then create stamp variable == $PT and then stamp it for example in TransformAxis sop in Direction parameter as something like fit01(rand(stamp("../copy1", "stampvar", 0) + 123), -1, 1) for every axis (just add different numbers, not only 123 in every channel).

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