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Is there a difference between "." vs '.' in Hscript?


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I noticed this behaves a little unpredictable:

opexists(opinputpath(".", 0))[/CODE]

than this:

[CODE]opexists(opinputpath('.', 0))[/CODE]

Is there a difference between the 2? The strange behaviour I saw is when I have the top expression as the default value (hscript) for an asset parameter (asset A) and then use that asset somewhere else (asset B ), sometimes when I dive into the asset B that use the asset A, I noticed that parameter's value shows up as 1 in expression mode with light/olive green and the value mode shows nothing (empty).

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Any ideas?

Thanks :)

Edited by magneto
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In this simplistic case, both "" double quotes and '' single quotes should return the same result.

In general, "" double quotes expand all variables within the string while '' single quotes don't expand variables and pass them through with the $. Handy to know when passing strings containing variables about.

/ -> echo "$TEMP"
/ -> echo '$TEMP'

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