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Visible bump maps in viewport?

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So I've been using Houdini for a while now to model various things but I was wondering if the Houdini viewport could display bump/normal maps in the same way as the Maya 'high quality' viewport option?

I ask this because I barely know anything about creating materials/shaders in Houdini and would just like to apply some color maps with bump maps and see it in realtime instead of having to render it.

My guess is to take a basic material that has color input and bump input, but can Houdini display this?

What are your suggestions for setting up the quickest and most basic material?

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If you are making your own SHOP material, you can add GL parameters to it and link them to your corresponding VOP/VEX parameters. In this case, you'd add (using Edit Rendering Parameters): SHOP Options > OGL > OGL Bump Map. This will transfer a whole block of bump map parameters to your shader.

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