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Project curve onto sphere with fixed curve length

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Dear all,

I am trying to project a curve onto the surface of a sphere.

Please see the attached file.

The requirement is to keep the distance between points the same.

In this case, the ray sop can not do what I want.

So I try to write a python node to project point on to surface in order.

The algorithm is like this:

1.create a circle for each point on curve

2.get the intersection curve between circle and sphere

3.find a point in intersection curve with distance close to the length between this point and previous point

4.move the following point according this new position

5.do 1-4 one by one

Because getting the intersection curve is difficult for me, so I try to make a sub sop network to do this.

I want to get intersection curve by cooking the OUT node in sop network.

The problem is I always get nothing in that node?

Is there a better way to get the result I want without using sop network?



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