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how to create groups of prim and color them by groups


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here is a file with a font node, (text generated by stamp variable $PT) copied on a plane and animated by a vopsop displacement.

So my question is how to color each numbers(group of primitives when the number is >9) instead of per primitives.

I cannot figure how to color per group in that specific case.

i know the create group and name the group in the color node, but in that case i would need to create a group for each number and color them by group.

i thought of creating color per point on the shape but i do not want to use that method as it is not "solid" as i would say

i would like something i have control on.

Can it be done thru vopsop it self? or by scripting to create groups?

thanks in advance


wavy text.hipnc

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EDIT: i musn't have done it right since it works very simply by just coloring the point and transferring color, without using connectivity


So i found a way....,transfer the class from point to prim,

everything works fine except for 2 things:

1) the texts must not over lap or the colors start to merge(what if i want overlapping geo...i have to resolve that)

2) if my number of rows or columns is odd the text in the center has different color(didn't understand why yet)

still looking into it

thank you again Chris to put me on the right track with the connectivity/class tip

wavy text fixed.hipnc

Edited by FR3D
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