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CopyStamping by matching primitve attribute.


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Hello chaps. I`m trying to do something I assumed would be relativly simple, but my Houdini skills are nowhere near what they should be and im a little stumped.

Ive made a scene where a voronoi shatter node breaks up a cube into variously sized rubble. Each piece of rubble goes in its own group, and i calculate the area of each group and store it at the primitive level.

Now I have that info, i`d like to stamp different groups onto a grid of points. I`ve randomly assigned an attribute onto the points - pointArea - that i`d like to use to match the group of rubble with the closest value stored in its primitives.

This is a generic example. Eventually id like to order the points on the grid rather than just assign the pointArea attribute randomly, but this is the file represents the main idea im trying to accomplish.

Anyone any ideas? Thanks!

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Not a clean way, there has to be a better way of doing this.

I am creating different groups of geo shapes base on their area range. Then selecting entire such group to copy on a point which has attrib value in the range of that group area. Next thing is to select only one shape from that copied group randomly and get rid off rest of the shapes (copy_stamp_delete method)

Every point has attrib to select specific group and an attrib to select shape from the copied group. These attribs can be modified by paint sop(While selecting for different shape in group by painting an attrib , check how many different shapes are there in that group. Set proper FG value in range 0 to 1 in paint sop)


Edited by sadhu
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