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Simple Collision/Deformation Question


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Hi guys! I'm working on a project in which we are simulating an energy field flowing over a surface and geometry. I could *theoretically* make a line emitter and animate it by hand when it collides with the objects, but I forsee much hassle in that route. So I'm thinking that making the line collide with the geometry would be easier.

Attached is a photo of a simple, simple setup. I want this line (and points) to collide and deform when it meets the geometry, to flow over it like a thick blanket. Would it be better to approach it as a cloth simulation? If so, how do I get the cloth to be points instead of, well, cloth?

Thank you so much!



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You could simply use the ray sop if you wanted, or even the attribute transfer sop set to transfer "P".

For a bit more control I'd use an SDF to act as your "collision" object (not really a collider as you don't need to simulate) and in a VOPSOP use the "Volume Sample" and "Volume Gradient" to push the points outward towards the edges. Give it a nice rolling falloff etc...


Edited by ChristianW
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