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trails from particles breaks when particle dies

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I`m trying to figure out how to use the trail sop to create lines from particle systems. Its pretty straight forward until I try to use it with particles the have a limited lifespan.

As soon as the first particle dies, the trail sop just makes a mess of geo, and no longer connects the lines properly.

Ive tried using the Add Sop to create the lines (placed after the trial sop) instead - but I cant get that to work either.

Any one know how to make this work? Ive attached a simple test case - at frame 50, the first particles dies, and the lines dont get created properly.



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You should just use the Trail SOP to build the trailing points. You were correct to think about using the Add SOP to build the line, but you need to make sure to have it build polygons By Group and select the Add option to be by the id attribute. Since the id is unique to each particle (and it's trailed points) it will properly build the lines only between the right points.

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