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Do you have a fluid cache file for me?

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Hi Everyone

I am currently updating my fluid shader for mentalRay and Arnold (probably VRay if the others are working).

To optimize the shading speed and caching, I am collecting a wide range of different kinds of fluid simulations. (To be more specific: I am collecting the cache files of the sim)

I just need ONE file of a simulation to test compressions/filter/speed.

Multiple files of the same simulation do not help as the fluid has a similat shape/size/values/color.

It should be something in production quality (not a tiny 20x20x20 fluid grid...)

Types of cache files:

- emFluid/.bafl

- Maya .mc

- blender .bphys

- openVBD

- field3D

- Phoenix .aur

- FumeFX ( Not yet supported as I am not able to get any contact via support@afterworks.com. Tried 4 times in 2 years. Does someone know any other contact address?)

- Any fluid cache format I am missing?

If you happen to have a cache file:

- Create a text file with your (company) name.

- Zip the text file with the cache file(s).

- Upload it via a file hoster and send me the link

I found a list of file hoster here:


Files < 60MB:

If your file is less than 60MB, then you can use www.BinaryAlchemy.de/upload_caches.php

(I am getting a new one for larger files, but right now I cannot change the limit.)

When I am finished, I will perhaps add all fluid tests to one large video sequence with one fluid/frame and stats like load/render time.

Many thanks

Edited by schoenberger
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not trying to be selfish or anything, but besides any future implementation (and seemingly incoming) of openVBD into Houdini, what do we gain as Houdini users from your research, seeing how Mental Ray is rarely used in Houdini, Arnold for Houdini isn´t yet implemented and people around here doesn´t use Vray?

Are you also working on a Mantra version of the shader?

Edited by Netvudu
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I know multiple projects that do their simulation stuff in Houdini,

but their main animation and rendering is done in Softimage or Maya.

And then try to match both renderers, which can get complicated if you need to use 3D geo to mask your volume.

(Different AA filter, rendertime subdivision surfaces, ...)

And directly loading your Houdini simulation in the viewport of the other 3D package can help a lot.

I thought of a implementation with Mantra, but Arnold and MRay are first as I have already written shaders for both renderers.

I also got requests from VRay users, which I have also not yet worked with.

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