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Living costs in Germany - Munich

Guest mantragora

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Guest mantragora


Is there anyone here ho lives there and could shed a little light on this topic ? I would love to hear some info about salary too. I'm interested not only in Houdini but overall in 3d sector there (visualization etc.).

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Living costs depend, of course, largely on the desired style of living. There's a long way to go from a roommate situation in a men's hostel to a 4-bedroom house for a family.

Munich is generally speaking by far our most expensive city, so expect costs on the level of international capital cities, especially if you plan to reside within the city limits.

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1-2 room flats varies between 450-800€ / month. Of course you ll find more expensive ones ;)

If you want to use public transportation its around 50 € a month, for the inner city.

Daily rates are around 300€ but of course it dependes on your skills etc. and can be higher.

The priece for a glas beer(0.5 litre) varies. But shouldnt be more than 4€, in a pub .

The general cost of living is still lower than in other capital citys like London/Paris.

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Guest mantragora

Thanks for info everyone. I got one company on my eye there. They even have training program there (and they pay you also normal salary) so I just needed to know what to expect if I could not get normal job.

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