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How To Create An Energy Radius Blast

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Hi Everyone,

Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on how to create an energy blast. I am creating a comet hitting the ground and want to make a large circular blast, which rapidly comes towards the camera once the Comet makes contct with the ground.

I think I will use particles, but not sure how to approach this.

If anyone has any odeas and time to let me know how, that would be amazing.

Look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Thanks a lot.

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Well you could start with a source that's velocity pointed outwards from the impact point.

I've created you a quick scene, I wouldn't personally do it with object nodes, but it was quick to just lay it all out from shelf tools.

I've annotated it a bit to show you what's going on. Hope it helps as a starting point...


P.s. Are you at Axis?


Edited by ChristianW
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Hi Illusionist,

This is great, thanks. Exactly what I am after. I tried a few things and this is the simplest and most effective way.

Much appreciated.

Yes, I was at Axis, as a runner and then worked on Cloth Dynamics for Spartan Ops. Now I am trying to get things sorted with Houdini VFX. Why you ask? Are you interested in Axis?

1 More thing, where do you learn more about VOPSOPs? I see you have created one here, but I find it hard to understand. If you know, then please let me know.


Edited by alloboy
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Well you could start with a source that's velocity pointed outwards from the impact point.

I've created you a quick scene, I wouldn't personally do it with object nodes, but it was quick to just lay it all out from shelf tools.

I've annotated it a bit to show you what's going on. Hope it helps as a starting point...


P.s. Are you at Axis?

Thank you very much for that example. You have finally enlightened me on how to add velocity to the fluid.

I have a question though. Why did you convert the sphere to a volume, and then scatter points on it? Why not just use the sphere as the source?

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Thank you very much for that example. You have finally enlightened me on how to add velocity to the fluid.

I have a question though. Why did you convert the sphere to a volume, and then scatter points on it? Why not just use the sphere as the source?

If you just use the sphere, scatter will create points on the surface. If you use a volume, the points will be created anywhere inside the sphere volume.

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