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Deleting cached FLIP particles that fall within a geo/volume


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I cached out a FLIP sim that involves particles splashing against a character object. The sim result that is pretty much what I wanted except that some FLIP particles go through the character. What I am trying to do is delete the cached particles that go within the region of the character’s volume, while the others that do not are left intact.

I tried using the method stated in this thread where I used an object merge to bring in the character geo, used a group sop, then a delete sop, but with no luck.


I attached a (non functioning) scene that only shows the main networking I am trying to do.

A concept I am also thinking of trying to create is getting the ID numbers of the particles that fall within the character (particles A). I would then get the actual cached particles (particles B ) and say “If particles B == particles A, then delete those particles B”. I am still brainstorming how I would go about doing it.


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I cached out a FLIP sim that involves particles splashing against a character object. The sim result that is pretty much what I wanted except that some FLIP particles go through the character. What I am trying to do is delete the cached particles that go within the region of the character’s volume, while the others that do not are left intact.

I tried using the method stated in this thread where I used an object merge to bring in the character geo, used a group sop, then a delete sop, but with no luck.


I attached a (non functioning) scene that only shows the main networking I am trying to do.

A concept I am also thinking of trying to create is getting the ID numbers of the particles that fall within the character (particles A). I would then get the actual cached particles (particles B ) and say “If particles B == particles A, then delete those particles B”. I am still brainstorming how I would go about doing it.

If you don't mind my saying, your scene is a little too stripped down to test any potential solutions. 1 frame of locked & reduced particles & character mesh would do.

One way to delete points inside (or outside) an object is to turn the object into a volume with Iso Offset and give it a name (like 'density' or 'blah'), then use AttributeFromVolume on your particles to transfer the 'presence' of the object onto the particles. Then you are free to delete particles with this attribute. See attached file.


Edited by melazoma
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