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Randomly Shaped Bouding Box

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Hi :D

Just wondering if anyone could give me a hand

Is there a way to create a randomly shaped bouding structure?

The attached file is a pyramid of spheres, as an example I used a cookie to remove everything outside the big sphere, but what I want is each spehere intersecting the larger sphere to be totally removed.

Any ideas?



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You could use noise (Vopsop Curl noise) or jitter to randomize things

For a more rigid system I would suggest using L-systems and create closed shapes which you then could extrude.

this can give you more angular shapes

You could also use volumes, with the values set by a noise and then convert to polygons,

for more round shapes

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Here you go.

Basic idea is that in a for loop over each sphere, you sample if the point is inside of the volume. Then you promote that attribute to a detail (which is just one attribute, so for the whole object it's processing in that bit of the loop), taking the max, or mean etc, then promoting back to a point attribute so all points have the same value. Then you just look at which ones are 1 and which ones are 0 to delete.


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