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Shading Layers inside vex


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Fun thought to leave you gents with on this lovely Friday:

How can I specify which shading layer to use inside a material written in VEX? I know we can grab the shading layer VEX node and pop that in to the texture s/t we want, but viewing the code that this generates leads me to believe that there have to be pragmas for each uv layer:

#pragma label uv "UV Coordinates"
#pragma hint uv hidden
#pragma hint uv vector
#pragma label uv4 "UV Coordinates"
#pragma hint uv4 hidden
#pragma hint uv4 vector
#pragma label uv3 "UV Coordinates"
#pragma hint uv3 hidden
#pragma hint uv3 vector
#pragma label uv2 "UV Coordinates"
#pragma hint uv2 hidden
#pragma hint uv2 vector

followed by some lame if cases:

string layer;
{layer = itoa(DSL);}else{layer = "";}
bound_uv = isbound("uv" + layer);
if( bound_uv ) {
if(layer == "") {uv1 = uv;}
if(layer == "2") {uv1 = uv2;}
if(layer == "3") {uv1 = uv3;}
if(layer == "4") {uv1 = uv4;}
} else {
uv1 = set(s, t, .5);

and even this doesn't seem to work.

Am I incorrect?

Have a good weekend ya'll!

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