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transforming volume does not transform data

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newbie question..

So I am trying to make a volume vectorfield to use in DOPs for some field-force affecting.

I start with a box turned to a volume, and I specify the data as being 0,1,0 initially, so the force would point in the Y direction.

Now if I transform this volume by parenting the obj-level geo node to something else, the volume container moves appropriately, but my voxel data is still 0,1,0.

How can I transform the data inside the volume as well as the voxel grid for use in DOPs?

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The vector data in the volume doesn't know it anything about the transform, so you have to tell it explicitly. Here I'm using a Volume Vop to pull in the transform of the parent object and apply it to the vector. You should be able to copy and paste this node in at the end of your network without any issues (assuming it's named 'vel').

transforming_vector_volumes.hipFetching info...

Edited by tjeeds
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Awesome, thank you guys for the answers! I figured that Houdini didn't have a concept that I wanted it to transform the data, but didn't know how to tell it to do so.. I have a friend who had some trouble scaling some clouds and I'm guessing it's for a similar reason. (Moving the volume but not transforming the data)

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