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Multiple flip objects, source only one.

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So I have a sim that needs to have two different flip objects colliding.. One has an initial state and no source, and the other has no initial state and a source (Think a pool with a fountain pouring into it)

All I have is the two FLIP objects merged to collide mutually, going into my FLIP solver, and then a Source Volume DOP going into the fourth input, which was made with the Emit Particle Fluid shelf tool.

In the Particle Fluid Object parameter of the source, I have listed explicitly "flipfluidobject", which is one of my objects, not "fliptank" which is my pool object.

However, for some reason I can't discern after twiddling all the knobs I can find, the source acts as a source for *both* objects, so I'm spawning particles from two different objects at the same location.

Why is this, and how can I get around it? I'm trying in vain to work around it by setting up a source relationship, but I can't get that working either.

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can't you just have one FLIP object with initial state AND sourcing something else into it?

otherwise you will not get them work together properly because each FLIP object will have it's own fields

so just source directly into your fliptank and you should be ok

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I need the two objects to have different particle seperation and different particle radius (the fountain stuff works best with a look that the smaller radius is giving), that's the only reason I set it up that way.

It could work with identical particle sep, but I can't find a way to set the radius only of the fountain particles.

Edit: Was also going to want to mesh them separately..

Edit: Also, it turns out to be much more efficient for my scene to calculate this way.. The pool is very large, so it takes a long time to calculate and has a big grid horizontally, whereas the individual fountains are quite small and vertical, and so they can have their grids resized to speed up calculations a lot. But if combined, the grid becomes big both horizontally and vertically!

Edited by Dispel
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I guess I wanted the fountain particles to get affected by the pool ones as well (mutual colliders) but it seems impractical at this point, so I'm doing as suggested and splitting the sim into stages.

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So I ran some tests, and unfortunately, doing this sim in two stages doesn't give me the look I'm going for. The first stage is just fine to be the way it is (fountains spraying and landing in a pool), but the pool sim, instead of getting splashes with the velocity pumped in from the first sim, just gets pushed down where the fountain sim would be landing. In my tests with mutually colliding particles, due to the collisions, I got some very nice splashes coming up out of the pool.

So I'm back to where I started : /

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