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Hi people,

I'm playing around with fur and need to create a very stylized look. I'm coming up against problems with custom clump hairs. Houdini seems to be really fussy about matching geometry when it comes using my own curves as clump/guide hairs. I can make it work, but it requires quite a tedious amount preparation.

Can anyone help me understand why I can't just plug arbitrary curves in to the fur sop and is there a way to jump inside and poke around with the fur sop itself?

Many thanks,


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Hi Anim,

I'm still a bit lost. What specifically is it that causes the error "the two sources have unmatched geometry"??? Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I really want to understand how this is working, but I'm baffled!!!



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if you have primitive vector attribute guideorigin on your guide curves then they don't need to match points on your skin geometry

if not then they do and in that case if they don't match you'll get an error

guideorigin should contain position of the root of each the guide curve, Fur Sop will then use Guideradius Parameter to search and interpolate among them

the same with clumporigin for not matching clump curves

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