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Move nodes into geometry node

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Sorry if this is too much of a nube question.

I have a ton (≈4K) of nulls imported from pfTrack in /obj.

What is the best way to move them into a geo node (such as /obj/foo) to keep them out of the way and allow turning them on and off?

Copy/cut and paste doesn't work. (I get a delete node when I paste, but that's a separate issue.)



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you can put them into subnet

select, then Shift+C

then you can hide that subnet

or if you really want to have then as a single geometry, then you can use Object merge to get their centroids or icons to single geometry by inputting the pattern which covers all of them like "../../tracker_*/point1" for centroids or if you wants icons directly then "../../tracker_*/control1"

Edited by anim
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Awesome! Subnet worked!

Thank you 'anim'!

I'm curious, why should it take many tens of seconds, even a minute, for Shift-C to execute?

Is there that much to do? I noticed the activity seemed to be single threaded, but still…

No, scratch that, I didn't see much response in the UI so I must have hit shift-C several times, so they were subnested seven times over.

Friday afternoon LULZ!

Thanks again!


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