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Renderman Light shader wrong type


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I am currently trying to import a Renderman light shader into Houdini however when I import the otl it comes in as a surface shader in the shop. I am not sure how the otl is being made. I am doing it through a program called cutter which makes the otl when I compile the shader. My two questions are

1. How do I create an otl from an slo file?

2. Is it posible to change the type after the otl is created and if so how?

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1. You can use the slo2otl.py in Houdini's bin folder.

(with HB and PATH var setup at bin folder)

On windows command line: "hython slo2otl.py -l lightshadername.otl lightshadername.slo" should work, didn't for me though

so I use Windows PowerShell. This is what I use: "hython "$env:HB/slo2otl.py" -l lightshadername.otl lightshadername.slo"

It shouldn't be necessary to use hython to launch the slo2otl.py file on other OS's.

2. As far as I know it should read it in correctly if you've specified it as a light shader at the start of the shader, ie. used "light lightshadername(){}". Make sure you have specified the Cl variable in the code.

I'm not very familiar with cutter so if it's causing the issue I can't help much.

Edited by JonathanGranskg
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Thanks for the reply. I was able to get the solution from a contact. The solution to changing the type of shader is the change a file inside the otl. I was able to export the otl to a folder in the Linux terminal using the command "hotl -V myasset.otl". This creates a folder containing a few files. Inside the folder I edited the INDEX__SECTION file. You can change the type from shader to light. I then reassembled the otl with the command "hotl -c folder

Name newOTL.otl"

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