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Collision Avoidance


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I am producing a music visulisation in Houdini, and I have a landscape been generated using chops to read in a music file and then using the data to deform a grid sop. I am currently trying to figure out away to steer the camera through the scene such that it will avoid the hills that are been created in the grid. Would it be possible to do this using a pop network, and then attaching a camera to one of the particles? Perhaps it might be easier to script the camera motion based on the tz value for the point on the grid that it is currently above. Any ideas?


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Hi Jon,

You can use a Ray SOP to project a path surface onto the landscape, then creep a point onto the path surface. Use a Transform SOP to offset the point then channel reference the camera's translation to the point.

Please note the above will not be interactive because the Ray SOP needs to calculate the projection for the deforming grid.

I hope the above helps!



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