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Calling dso-declared functions from a vfl

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I had what is hopefully a quick question about dsos being used by vfl files.

I have a compiled dso, and in my vfl I am calling one of the functions that my dso declares. When using vcc to compile my vfl, it states that my function is undefined.

From within a houdini shell I can run:
$HFS/bin/vcc -X cvex

And I can see my the functions declared in my dso.

Exactly what do I need to do to get my external vfl files compiled, using my dso?


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It seems like everything is correct in your vex/VEXdso as you can find your function defined through the vcc -X

What error exactly you have when compiling your code? Is it "Call to undefined function" or "No matching function"?


Is it possible that you call you vcc for compiling the code when environment setup is different from that you have when you call vcc -X?

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Hi there!


With regard to environment setups, I've just done the following:


Running vcc -X in a houdini shell allows me to see the functions I've defined in my plugin. It also turns out I can compile my vfls successfully from my houdini shell. So that works.


I was expecting to be able to run vcc from a normal shell (not houdini), but I can't (it does say function is undefined). I guess there's some kind of env var missing? I should be able to compile my vfls in a normal shell, right?

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Hi there, sorry for radio silence!


My VEXdso is indeed in $HOME/houdiniXX.X/vex/


In the VEXdso itself, it's just got the name of the plugin.


With regard to paths, just to confirm, I can compile my vfls through the houdini shell without a problem. So I'm assuming all my houdini paths are fine. I just can't compile in a normal shell. Not using any funny variables in my houdini paths either.

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